Visa Thiagarajan

Educator for 10 years. Currently teaching Computer Science to 9th and 10th grader students. Educator for 10 years. Currently teaching Computer Science to 9th and 10th grader students.
Fellowship Location
Lockheed Martin
“It was exciting to see labs in which engineers actually followed the iterative process; where failures were embraced as essential hurdles in the road to success. There was hands-on work in all the labs - my students would have loved it.”
“I was tasked with figuring out how to get a new sensor space qualified. With the support of my mentor and the help of several LM employees from various departments I was able to put together a project plan to do that. I'm still in touch with my mentor and hope to find out soon if the sensor was sent into space as planned.”
“When students complain about something saying, "This is too tough. I give up!", I begin my story - "Let me tell you about my summer with Lockheed Martin!" and I talk to them about how I persevered in problem solving in a field as tough as rocket science.”
“My students are under-represented in engineering and computer science. After my internship at Lockheed I was inspired to start a robotics team at school. The team began building the robot just last week and can't wait to compete in tournaments and make history!”