Summer Fellowship Program: Timeline and Cost

September – January: Ignited confirms company participation

Ignited reaches out to companies, schools and teachers

December – February: Identify and finalize project descriptions

Your teams define summer projects for teachers and outline ideal teacher profiles and skills

March – May: Company project leads interview 3-4 candidates and select best match

Ignited matches great teachers to your project based on requirements and skills

June to August: Teachers complete projects

Teachers work with your team to complete projects for eight weeks during the summer. At the same time, they work with our Curriculum Coaches to turn their experience into a custom lesson plan.

August to May: Teachers share lessons with students

After the summer, your employees may opt to stay engaged with teachers and volunteer (virtually or in-person) as career role models in classrooms for a variety of school activities

Each Teacher Impacts 150 Students Per School Year

Become a Project


Set up a 30-minute call with our team

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Understand the impact you can make



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